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        Willy Tsui is in his 5th and final year at Penn State University. In  May, 2017, he will graduate with Integrated Bachlor's and Master's of Architectural Engineering with a focus in Lighting/ Electrical. Willy has also studied abroad in both Rome, Italy and China, where he worked towards his minor in Architecture. He is currently a member of the Penn State Chapter of the Illuminanating Engineering Society (IES) and International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD).

         During the past two summers, Willy has worked for two industry leadering firms in the field of lighting design. He first interned at Atelier Ten, an environmental consultant firm with lighting design consultant, in New Haven, Connecticut in the summer of 2015. More recently, Willy was interning Cline Bettridge Bernstein Lighting Design Inc, in New York, NY. These valuable experiences have helped him not only gaining industry experience but also ​insight into the lighting industry.

         Outside of class, Willy enjoys music, volunteering, computers and technology. Most importantly, he enjoys spending time with friends and family, especially when he cooks for them.



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